As previously mentioned, facilitating a Mind Wellbeing group involves allowing the book to guide the sessions. The structure and content provided within the book will effectively lead the process.

As a first step in facilitating a Mind Wellbeing group, it is important to begin with ice breakers and ‘get to know you’ activities. For example, each member could share a bit about themselves, like their interests or a fun fact. You could also play a small game or try other activities that encourage laughter and help break the ice.

Experience has shown that the sooner participants relax and form connections with one another, the more receptive they become to the information provided. Establishing a comfortable and cohesive group dynamic early on enhances engagement and fosters a more productive learning environment.

Once the group is ready to begin studying the book, you can start with the 'Preface' (optional), followed by the 'How to Use This Book' and 'Introduction' sections. Participants can take turns reading from the book (or have a designated reader), or simply listen to the audio provided at:

After this, the group could meet regularly and study a section of the book at each session. For example, a group that meets once a week for one hour might end up with the following session outline:

However, another group might prefer to finish the book in a 10-week term and may decide to have two-hour weekly sessions to get through the contents faster.

Other ways to get through the book are:

Intensive Sessions: You can also plan intensive sessions where you cover more of the book in a shorter time frame. For example, you could create a 'weekend retreat' where you read several chapters, or have longer or more frequent sessions.

Designated Reading at Home: Another option is to do some reading at home and then recap, re-read or practice exercises when the group meets. If you choose this method, it’s important that everyone is committed to keeping up with the reading to ensure no one falls behind.

Feel free to explore different arrangements that best suit your group. The primary objective is to ensure that the group completes the reading and engages in the exercises. The approach you take to achieve this can be tailored to the needs and preferences of your group.