The dictionary meaning of the word fount is a fountain, spring, source or origin.
Why was this name chosen for this program? Because a plant, at its source and origin, already contains what it takes to grow and flourish. All it needs is for unhelpful parasites to be removed, and for helpful nutrients and water to be supplied. It will then grow and reveal its unique and brilliant qualities!
Fount™ programs have been developed based on the idea that similar to a plant, human beings have at their source and origin what it takes to grow and flourish their wonderful inner qualities. They just need a bit of help to:
Reverse harmful effects of unhealthy past environments
Learn healthier ways of coping with stress
Learn healthier ways of managing relationships and relating to the world
Fount™ educational materials seek to enhance common knowledge about the human mind, and how to live happier and more fulfilled lives. The following are a few principles of our programs:
Prevention is better than cure.
Mental health is not merely the absence of mental illness - it is about optimizing your sense of wellbeing, peace and life satisfaction.
Your mental wellbeing will impact the mental wellbeing of those around you.