Addressing the Building Blocks in Therapy

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During therapy, it's essential to address these 3 building blocks using distinct therapeutic tools and with a level of discernment and purposefulness. Addressing each area requires a thoughtful and tailored approach. Below are the specific tools and techniques that I recommend for addressing each of these areas:

Thoughts: To modify thoughts effectively, we employ cognitive reappraisal. In my practice, I like to combine traditional cognitive reappraisal techniques with imagery work.

Emotions: When working with emotions, body-oriented therapies have shown great promise. Specifically, I find that emotion or interoceptive exposure are ground breaking techniques that deserve a lot of attention in the clinical field.

Awareness: Using mindfulness strategies, including present-moment focus, can assist us in cultivating awareness. I often find that as thoughts and emotions become better managed, mindful awareness naturally increases. At other times, I need to purposefully incorporate mindfulness strategies in the therapeutic process.

In the following slides, we will explore each of these strategies in more detail, discussing their benefits and practical applications.


Therapeutic Implications of the Building Blocks


Thoughts: Cognitive Restructuring and Reappraisal